Dreaming Hildegard Portfolio: The booklet comes with a CD of the music and images of paintings.
Dreaming Hildegard is a collaboration by Alex Coke and Christopher Hynes combining music and visual art. This portfolio contains a cd recording of Coke’s composition Dreaming Hildegard, images of the nine paintings inspired by the music, the creators’ notes, and a link to the animation of music and paintings by Martin Primanis. The portfolio is about 7 x 5.25 inches.

Dreaming Hildegard is the second in the series of collaborations between the musician and composer Alex Coke and myself. This time Alex started the collaboration by continuing his interest in tonal circles. and the music of the 11th century Mystic and visionary Hildegard of Bingen. Again Martin has created a video to accompany them.

Dreaming Hildegard Studies: In these studies I was exploring different combinations and techniques that I used in the show. They are the smaller prototypes for the final pieces in the exhibit.